Data recovery

We Provide Data Recovery Services & Hard Drive Recovery Services with 100% Privacy.

What causes your computer to lose data?

Get help recovering your lost data with A & R IT Services’ data recovery services.

There are times when your laptop, desktop computer, or MAC suddenly stops working without you knowing why. Most of the time, these computer failures result in people losing all their personal and professional data, which causes them major losses. There are several chances that you will be able to get all your lost data back if you contact someone who specializes in providing data recovery services. The team at A & R IT Services works on such data recovery tasks every alternate day and has been able to complete them successfully almost every time.

Feel free to contact us if you need Data Recovery Services & Hard Drive Recovery Services


Frequently Asked Questions

Because the data recovery process that we follow is situation-specific, we don’t have any fixed prices for our data recovery services.


Mauris elit ex, rhoncus a mauris at, consectetur placerat elit. Nam facilisis sollicitudin nunc. Etiam sed mattis urna, nec aliquam augue. In nisi dolor, tempor sit amet aliquet interdum, tempus eget ex. In eget ante sit amet tortor ullamcorper mollis. Aliquam eget aliquet sem. Vivamus quis felis eget magna iaculis volutpat.

Our hard drive storages are where we store your data and then give it back to you. You can give us your own hard drive if you want us to store data on it.

It depends. It normally takes 2 days for the data recovery process to be completed.


We only need the hard drive. If you don’t know how to remove a hard drive from a computer, that’s okay, we can do that for you.



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